Posts Tagged ‘Retirement planning’

When Planning, Focus More on Goals, Less on Numbers

Financial planning is a complex, lifelong process that people tend to approach with a numbers orientation. What rate of return do I need to reach my goal? How much insurance do I need? Can I afford a bigger house? How much money do I need to save for retirement? To support their pursuit of the…

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Your Plan’s Vesting Schedule: Tailor It to Meet Your Needs 

A retirement plan’s vesting schedule, which establishes when employer contributions to the plan will be owned outright by the employee, plays a role in how effective the plan is in helping to attract and retain employees. Employers will want to carefully consider their goals and the available options when selecting a vesting schedule for their…

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What Motivates Your Investment Moves?

When the stock market falls sharply as it did following the recent Brexit Referendum in the United Kingdom, it is not unusual for investors to react emotionally — to act on impulse before thinking through the potential long-term consequences. Why does emotion sometimes cloud your judgment when it comes to making investment decisions? The answer…

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When Protection Matters: Consider a QTIP Trust

Several years ago, Jack’s father died. Jack grieved not only for his father’s passing, but also for his widowed mother who had been married to Jack’s father for 35 years. In due course, Jack’s mother remarried. However, when she eventually passed away, Jack suffered a double loss: Jack not only lost his mother, but also…

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What to Know About Annuities 

Are you retiring soon and looking into your options to start drawing down your savings from your employer-sponsored plan? Are you also concerned about making sure your money lasts as long as you need it to? If so, annuities may make sense for you.1 Annuities, simply put, reduce the risk that you will outlive your…

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Turning the Page: 5 Things Baby Boomers Need to Know About RMDs

The times they are a changin’ for baby boomers. The generation that lived through and influenced the revolution in the retirement industry is now poised to begin withdrawing money from their retirement-saving vehicles — namely IRAs and/or employer-sponsored retirement plans. If you were born in the first half of 1946 — you are among the…

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Focus on the Forest, Not the Trees, of Investing

It’s a message worth repeating. Investing is a matter of focus. Despite recent disappointments in stock market performance, investors who are willing to assess the whole universe of investment choices may find that the market continues to offer new possibilities. And those who keep their sights set on long-term investment goals may find that a…

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Wealth Transfer in a Low-rate Environment 

For those fortunate few individuals whose personal wealth exceeds the current estate-tax exemption threshold — $5.43 million for 2015 rising to $5.45 million for 2016 — today’s historically low interest rate environment offers potentially powerful wealth transfer opportunities. Recent low rates of interest have affected two important factors used to value wealth transfers involving trusts…

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Three Year-end Tax Reduction Tips

Even though April 15 now seems a distant deadline for filing your 2015 tax returns, in order to take advantage of some of the biggest tax reduction strategies, you have to act before the end of this year. Without further ado, here are three “go-to” maneuvers that you may want to execute by December 31.…

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Small Business Owners: Test Your Retirement Plan Knowledge

While worker confidence about having enough money to live comfortably in retirement has been on the rise in recent years, that confidence is based largely on access to and participation in a workplace retirement plan. According to the latest annual Retirement Confidence Survey conducted by the Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI), among workers who participate…

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