Posts by ari

How Will the One-Per-Year IRA Rollover Rule Apply in 2015?

Early this year the U.S. Tax Court ruled that the “one-per-year” IRA rollover rule applies to all of an individual’s IRAs, in aggregate, not to each separately. The IRS has backed the court’s decision and offered guidance as to how the new rule will affect rollovers completed in 2014 as well as new rollovers initiated…

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Stay Invested — Keep Long-Term Potential Alive

Sometimes human instinct lets us down. Take the natural response some investors have to down markets: Sell to avoid possible losses and stay out of the market until things improve. But while sitting on the sidelines might seem like a smart defensive move, it can actually be hazardous to your wealth. Time and again, statistics…

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Does Your Portfolio Reflect Your Risk Tolerance?

When it comes to investing, many people associate risk with losing money. But investing entails different types of risk. Understanding each type — and the potential return associated with your retirement portfolio — can help you determine whether your investments are appropriate for your situation. Stocks historically have exhibited the highest level of market risk —…

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A Net Worth Statement Helps Keep Retirees on Track

A number of planning tools can help retirees monitor their cash flow and make appropriate adjustments in response to changes in income and expenses. Not the least of these is a net worth statement. By calculating your net worth, you are essentially taking a snapshot of your current financial status. That snapshot can then provide you…

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Your Dollar at Work — 12 Months of Smart Savings Tips

Make 2015 “the year of the dollar” by trying some of these smart saving and spending tips all year long. January — After-Christmas sales are a great way to stock up on holiday-themed products such as wrapping paper, candles, cards, and decorations. Most retailers reduce prices on these items by 50% or more. But don’t…

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Strong Dollar, Weak Dollar — What It Means for You

You may have heard news reports about the decline or strength of the U.S. dollar. Your reaction? Likely a yawn. But the truth is that the value of the dollar has ripple effects throughout the economy, ultimately affecting your day-to-day finances as well as your investments. Making Sense of the Exchange Rate What does it…

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Six Questions to ask Older Parents

Regardless of whether you and your parents have always talked freely about money or never discuss the subject, there are several considerations you may want to address with them as they approach their later years. The six questions below can help you to start thinking about and planning for that conversation. 1. What’s the best…

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Retirement and Health Plan Limits for 2015

The IRS has released the cost-of-living adjustments affecting dollar limitations for defined contribution and defined benefit retirement plans.   The table below compares both the retirement plan and health insurance plan limits for 2013 through 2015.1 1The Internal Revenue Service.   Required Attribution:
 Because of the possibility of human or mechanical error by Wealth Management…

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Applying for Financial Aid: A Quick FAFSA Primer

With the price of a college education rapidly rising over the last decade, and in the current difficult economic times, students and families are relying on financial aid more heavily now than ever before. In 2013-14, for example, undergraduate students received an average of $14,180 per full-time equivalent student in financial aid, according to the…

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Year-End Tax Planning Strategies

Although tax day is still months away, it is not too early to think about ways to curb your 2014 tax bill. Here are some year-end pointers for minimizing or delaying taxes. A Question of Timing The most basic form of year-end tax planning involves deferring income and accelerating deductions, keeping in mind the tax…

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